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Great for playgrounds!

Choose from these great colors



        PLAY SOFT


This innovative new product

will keep your kids safe

while saving you money.

Have you noticed that

new brilliant color

underneath the

playground equipment

at your child’s school

or the park in your


You can have that

same look in your

back yard, or at your

school or church.

We can help you

with the big job

OR...just a backyard set

at Grandma’s house

504 737 6396

Benefits Of Play Soft LANDSCAPE Mulch 

PlaySoft Mulch will give you an opportunity to spend more time enjoying your landscape and less time maintaining it. It’s easy to handle and install with just a standard flat shovel or household garden rake. You would have to apply wood mulch once or twice a year… EVERY YEAR… to maintain the attractive look of PlaySoft Mulch. As a result, PlaySoft Mulch is cost effective.  By the end of your first season of use, allowing you to enjoy savings year after year.  Rubber mulch is also environmentally friendly, not only because it is 100% recycled rubber, but it also helps to conserve moisture in the soil around the roots of flowers and shrubs, significantly reducing water use.



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